Teeth whitening

Everyone’s teeth stain over time, but teeth whitening treatment can help to lighten and brighten your smile. Professional teeth whitening is non-invasive yet highly effective, and you can see results extremely swiftly.

Teeth whitening

Why are my teeth stained?

Teeth naturally darken with age, but they can also become stained by smoking, sauces with a lot of tomato or curry, tea, coffee and other staining liquids. Luckily, teeth whitening treatment can help to reverse some of this staining and give you a more youthful-looking smile.

Why are my teeth stained?

Whitewash professional whitening

At Links Orthodontics, we use Whitewash Professional Whitening Products that have been developed by leading UL dentists. Whitewash has a treatment to suit all lifestyles, including whitening strips, whitening gels and trays and in-surgery whitening.

Whitewash products contain 6% hydrogen peroxide, as well as fluoride and aloe vera to lessen tooth sensitivity and gum irritation.

Whitewash professional whitening

At-home whitening

Whitewash Professional Whitening Strips contain mould perfectly to your teeth to minimise tooth sensitivity. You use the strips for an hour every day for two weeks.

If you have heavier staining, the teeth whitening gel and mouth trays may be more suitable. We will have custom mouth trays made for you and show you how to use the product properly. Simply wear the trays and gel overnight for two weeks to achieve great results.

At-home whitening

Benefits of Whitewash teeth whitening

  • Developed by UK dentists
  • Minimal tooth sensitivity
  • Results seen in a few days
  • Easy to use at home
  • Quick and highly effective
Benefits of Whitewash teeth whitening

How long do the results from teeth whitening last?

Whitewash Professional Whitening products can achieve a whiter, brighter smile after just a few days of use. You should see full results after two weeks.

How long do the results from teeth whitening last?

How long results last depends on your lifestyle. If you smoke heavily or drink a lot of tea and coffee, then staining can re-occur more quickly. Some people maintain their whitening by using 1-2 strips every month or a box every 6-12 months. You can also use Whitewash toothpaste.

Does teeth whitening hurt?

No, you shouldn’t experience any pain whilst using Whitewash products. They contain aloe vera and fluoride to minimise tooth sensitivity.

Brighten up your smile today!

Achieve the look you want for your smile with professional whitening treatment. Book your free consultation with Links Orthodontic today to get started.

Brighten up your smile today!